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(14 People Like) Why is the 5th ionization energy of phosphorus significantly lower than that of silicon?
,[math]Z_{text{atomic number}}=14[/math]and ATOM phosphorus,[math]Z_{text{atomic number full silicone sex doll er}}=15[/math].
[math]underbrace{1s^{2}2s^{2}2p^{6}3s^{2}3p^{2}}_{text{Electronic configuration of the Si atom,Z=14}}[/math]
[math]underbrace{1s^{2}2s^{2}2p^{6}3s^{2}3p^{3}}_{text{electronic configuration of the P atom,Z=15}}[/math]
to reach now [math]Si^{4+}(g)[/math] WE REMOVE ALL [math]3s[/math],and [math]3p[/math]valence electrons..an energetic process… On the other hand, the FIFTH ionization event requires the removal of an inner core. [math]2p[/math] electron … and this must have a greater energy cost than the fifth ionization of phosphorus, for which [math]3s[/math]
(88 Likes) I started birth control at the age of 13 because of my menstrual symptoms. My breasts were still developing and one was larger than the other. My left breast has never caught up with the right. Could birth control have affected growth?
n’s breasts are radically different from Love Doll’s body measurements. For now, you can buy a bra to fit the larger breast, then put a silicone prosthesis on the cup. full silicone sex doll So smaller breasts look the same. If you go to a specialty bra store, they can fit you just right and show you how to fix it.
(85 Likes) Zack Snyder announced Snyder Cut of Justice League. What is your reaction to this?
do it well Does the Snyder cut fall solidly into this area? All right, let’s find out. First, we must remember that the DCEU never got off to a very satisfactory start. Shaky foundations. There are a lot of people who hate Man of Steel. There are a lot of people who hate BvS. Justice League 2017 has a lot of haters. And all of this was primarily due to Warner Bros.’s rush, desperately trying to catch up with Marvel’s success. We’ve all heard reports that the studio interfered with the directors’ original vision, resulting in an overall inferior theatrical product multiple times – the biggest examples being Suicide Squad and Justice League 2017. Fans were angry and they were right. They didn’t think they were getting the cinematic versions of their favorite characters that they deserved. The Snyder cut is still a product of its time. It has the daunting task of continuing the legacy of something that started on questionable foundations. To rate this movie fairly, it’s crucial to keep this fact in mind. Also, there aren’t too many surprises this movie can pull off in the plot department, as the Snyder plot in general and the plot of the 2017 movie version are the same. And with those handicaps in mind, I think the movie is actually pretty good. There’s more runtime—every character gets their time in the sun, thanks to about 4 hours of screen time real estate. There is a very good Cyborg arc. It is the heart, the emotional core of the movie. Joss Whedon did this character a real disservice in the 2017 movie version. The Realistic Sex Doll nyder cut renders this character solemnly portrayed by Ray Fisher so well. Wonder Woman is so bad. In his films, Snyder truly brings out the evil of this world-class icon of female power and glory. WW was a troublemaker in BvS. She’s the bum she here. And Gal Gadot is phenomenal for her portrayal of this iconic character. Her body language, her demeanor, the fleeting micro expressions on her face – all make for a very cute and reliable Wonder Woman. Batman receives a salvation bow. This isn’t really all that different from the 2017 cut. It was conveniently taken care of there. This carries over to the Snyder cut. What constitutes a development is Alfred’s character and the joke Bruce and Alfred exchanged. There is humor and sarcasm. At one point, Batman shouts Alfred to the rest of the league, “This is Alfred. I work for him.” Aquaman is handled a little better here than in the 2017 version. Because of her increased work time, we see more of her heroic qualities of compassion and empathy. Joss Whedon reduced him to a pretty one-dimensional ‘bad boy’ superhero character. It was fine, but I felt shallow. It’s refreshing to see the original vision Snyder had for him. And that’s a recurring theme in Snyder’s fiction. The characters do justice. They are handled with love, care and thought. For a fan of the Justice League animated series that used to air on Cartoon Network, this is more than we’d like to see in a live-action version of these characters. Superman is well run. The movie starts with it and the opening montage is beautiful. Zac Snyder shines in his unique visual storytelling style. The movie gets off to a very interesting start. Superman doesn’t have a lot of screen time. But his participation is very important to the plot of the film. The director plays that card effectively. Superman is not allowed to overshadow anyone else. He doesn’t feel superfluous in the movie either. I also really liked how Superman’s arc in Snyder ties in very neatly with Man of Steel and BvS. It felt like the culmination of the story elements set in motion in the previous two films. And that fact raises the Snyder cut in my eyes. The director’s original vision was to have Justice League complete the character lineup for Kal-El that began in Man of Steel. And in that context, it feels really satisfying. Superman gets more love and respect from Superman fans at the end of this movie – cheerful, hopeful, determined and all-round positive attitude. If we pause to consider that the Justice League is what Snyder originally envisioned as the result of a three-part broadcast that started with MoS for Superman, transitioned to BvS, and fully realized in JL, then perhaps the creative team’s many choices has. What was done in the previous two movies started to make more sense. His brooding, self-doubt, and general anxiety he has caused in the world with his godlike powers in MoS and his rise to selfless martyrdom in BvS and finally coming back in JL as a much better version of himself – it’s all starting to do. more logical. Superman cheerfully tells Lois in the movie that now he has a second chance and he won’t waste it. I’m with him on this one. Flash probably wasn’t handled very well. It was presented as a wimp and ineffective. It was judged as a comic relief but even that didn’t quite work for me. Even though it is in the last act, it is partially saved in my eyes. He did something visually stunning and changed the course of the movie. Her moments with her father are well rendered. His rescue of Iris was well done. But overall, this movie didn’t do it justice. He didn’t feel like a meaty superhero. However, we should not forget that while Snyder was shooting this movie, a solo Flash movie was also involved. Perhaps his solo Flash movie would have served to complete his transformation from a weak boy to a full-blown superhero. But I guess we’ll never know for sure now because the DCEU took a new path after the release of the 2017 Justice League and its disappointing BO performance. The bad guy was worse! Steppenwolf got an upgrade. It even has a little background that makes it even more fleshed out. Darkseid appeared. The concept of using Steppenwolf as a kind of messenger for a much darker and more menacing villain Darkseid has been tackled really effectively. Steppenwolf is mostly treated as the generic villain, but we have to understand that unlike Infinity War, where all the superheroes were introduced before, Justice League had to introduce us to a lot of new characters who will be making their own movies. . It’s a questionable strategy born of DC’s desperation to catch up and catch up with Marvel’s success. However, within the framework of this strategy, Snyder needed to operate, so he couldn’t afford to let a villain like Thanos outshine the heroes to be more interesting. So keeping a general villain profile for Steppenwolf works in this movie in the context of the overall studio strategy he’s working with. However, the movie has pacing issues. Sometimes the movie comes slow. I can’t fault it because it was originally going to air as 6 episodes. But then it was decided to release everything at once. This movie is visually stunning! Snyder has a passion for creating compelling visuals, and this movie has a slug on that front. The action scenes are breathtaking and create a super immersive experience. Flash’s powers are portrayed in a very cool way. Cyborg’s discovery of his abilities was handled very creatively. The exhibition scenes have seen a real makeover thanks to the director’s unique visual storytelling. And Snyder uses music and songs to elevate the visual image. The combination of audio and visuals has mostly worked well for me. There are cliffs and hooks for the future in this movie. Now is a future that can never happen. And this makes me sad. And at this point I’m deciding whether the film has more strengths than weaknesses. If a movie excites me more, it has done more right than wrong. And right now, I’d really like to see more of how Snyder decided to use Darkseid as a future Justice League villain. There’s also the hook of a dystopian timeline where Superman becomes the enemy and Batman must team up with villains and heroes alike to face him. I was also interested. All in all, despite the runtime and some questionable choices the creative team made, I still love this movie. Snyder’s Cut certainly doesn’t feel superfluous. Fans deserve this comment. And whether WB gave Snyder a chance
(11 Likes) What can you bring to Harvard?
is provided. Some people like sofa, television, video game console, etc. such as furniture. The main restrictions are that you cannot bring a microwave, stove or any other cooking utensil: only the Harvard-approved combination of micro-fridges you can rent from the University is allowed. This is for fire safety reasons. Then there are the usual restrictions on guns and explosives, illegal drugs, and pets (sorry, the dog stays at home!), I’m sure it’s a bit smaller, not
(41 Likes) If the Annabelle doll is real, are ghosts and spirits real?
oll is just the work of a horror movie screenwriter, nothing more. It has nothing to do with ghosts or spirits. How can an annabelle doll identify that it is real, then the ghost is real? Ghosts are not real and neither are Annabelles, but spirits are real. They exist, and no science has the power to vehemently deny it. They deny this, but are completely silent when they hear about some unexplained phenomena related to spir.