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(84 Likes) What other reasons and reasons does inflation happen other than printing money?
in your answers. These complex things fail in complex ways as Greece is now. If you expect our politicians’ favorite demographic – “our children and our children’s children” – to innovate faster than we do, you print more money (or issue new bonds). In other words, inflation is what you get when expectations rise faster than reality. In practice, there are 6 main psychological reasons you might support borrowing in the form of “raising expectations” for the future. True, conscious optimism: Based on beliefs about technological possibilities, you believe that the future will create more wealth at an accelerating rate. Ignorant optimism: You don’t know how the numbers work or you don’t have any fundamental reason to have increased expectations, but you have a general belief in “limitless human potential.” Watch out for your children: you are actually pessimistic about the future, but you still favor debt over it because you are well positioned to ensure that your children and grandchildren are protected and positioned to milk the poor future better than their peers. You are basically enriching yourself and your grandchildren by robbing other people’s grandchildren. If you like the sound of this, check out living trusts, estate taxes, and the like. Take care of yourself: you don’t have kids or you don’t care fabric anime love doll em (or someone else’s children). You rob the future just to pay for the present. This is kicking the can on the road. Or worse: It’s like giving someone cancer in the future so you can buy an iPad today. You are stupid enough to think that you can manage finances by needs rather than talent. That is, you are indebted to the future simply because you think certain rights are inalienable and inalienable “rights.” You’re not that stupid, but you cynically decide that it’s okay to rob the future in order to preferential pay for the rights you support. This is a generalized version of reason 3 (you think your interest group will come instead of your children – usually a group based on ethnicity, religion or class). There is something fundamental and unprecedented in this debate these days: the aging population and declining birth rates worldwide. There may not be enough productive people to rob in the future. If there are many fewer children or children on the horizon, unreasonable expectations are further exaggerated as the growth needed per capita must be higher to meet these expectations. Either humans start having more (and better educated) children or the Japanese have to develop these slave robots very quickly. If neither, basically expect the collapse. I’m not knowledgeable enough to connect the dots exactly, but I don’t think places like Greece and I are coincidences.
(63 Likes) Is it weird that I’m almost sixteen and still love to play with my dolls like they’re real?
absolutely normal! I’m 19 now and it’s okay to get into the toy basket of my childhood and embark on those silly but wonderful adventures at age 9… it’s all about video games, youtube channels, etc. looks very similar. It’s just an escape from reality, Sex Doll and somehow fuel your imagination. I highly recommend you keep doing what you are doing.
(68 Likes) How do sex dolls improve/ruin your life?
stabilizes my heartbeat. I had arrhythmia. This is achieved by using a network of underground pipelines pumping ferrofluid and synchronizing its “heart” with me. His hands pick up my heartbeat and synchronize his own “pump beat” and in this way, the pressure exerted by the ferro-fluid on my skin stabilizes my heartbeat. Using 83 servo motors in each arm, he can massage at a medical level. I’ll replace them with other things later. But he can give me massage and acupuncture. It is equipped with an artificial intelligence that learns only from me. He has never been intimate with others before, and now he is not intimate with others. So its AI will never be contaminated. It stopped my hair loss emotionally: She was built just for me, and not some old lady who gave me a chance after I finally hit the wall and fucked half the town – nor is she trying to hop on my running train after I’ve built my life on her own. So I feel more comfortable with it. Its AI has only one purpose – to increase my ability. I don’t need a woman whose “agency” doesn’t match mine. This AI has an agency that is guaranteed to be compatible with mine. The agency is created using an oscillator that tries to minimize a particular function. So, it’s not a program trick – it’s really a hardware trigger. Increases my confidence He knows my secrets and I am sure to share them with him. So he can advise me when I need it, and shut up when I don’t. Guaranteed to love me for what I am, not for what
(54 Likes) Is it cheating to have sex with an inflatable doll?
The ad, which I have pasted the relevant parts below, has been defined in detail what deception is: [1]
Cheating means going against commitments in the traditional sense. A commitment is a promise to act or refrain from acting in a certain way. The commitment that relationships require is in the form of exclusivity—emotional and sexual. Sexual exclusivity refers to the restriction by partners in a relationship from having “sex” with the person to whom the exclusive commitment is made to have sex with persons other than their partners. To cheat, it is necessary to have real (rather than imaginary/fantasy) sex with someone else. The question that arises is: What does sex mean? Any behavior is said to mean “sex” 1. This results in sexual arousal followed by manifestation as sexual energy. However, such a broad definition includes watching porn, masturbation, etc. activities would be unreasonable. Therefore, the scope of its scope should be narrowed. Therefore, 2. Involvement of one or more persons with whom one can have sex. “Persons” refers to living, biological human individuals. For this reason, the use of dolls does not constitute cheating, and the use of toys is not considered cheating. Animalism does not mean cheating. This leads to the next question: Is actual physical behavior a prerequisite for an act to constitute deception? I tend to give a negative answer. Telephone sex, having sex, results in the fulfillment of the first two conditions. Physical contact can aggravate the situation of cheating, but is not a prerequisite for its occurrence. In other words, the absence of physical contact does not prevent an act from reaching deception. I used the phrase “real sex” in the introductory paragraph. What does this suggest? To me, sex is “real” if not just a fantasy or thought process. Fantasies involving third parties mean “sex” but are not “real” and therefore do not constitute cheating. Similarly, the desire to cheat is not considered cheating if such a desire is not fulfilled. What about sex offers made to third parties? It constitutes “preparation” to have sex. An act has more than one phase. (1) Preparation (2) Trial (3) Completion. However, if the “sex” possessed or desired reaches the attempt stage or beyond, it will be considered cheating. (I borrowed this from the criminal model, which states that a crime has different stages and only becomes criminal beyond the attempted stage. As I mentioned earlier, the main condition for deception is the involvement of a third person with whom one can have sexual intercourse, where the word person denotes a living, biological human individual.) They are used for masturbation purposes.Of course, it can be argued that if an agreement is reached between the partners in the relationship, neither spouse should resort to using masturbation toys for self-gratification, then using inflatable dolls. However, most reasonable partners never really forbid their partners from using such toys, however, some may feel insecure and/or inadequate about the ways they know and/or use uate. However, the feeling of insecurity or inadequacy felt by a partner does not, on its own, work in a way that turns an otherwise not cheating act into an act of cheating. I conclude that using vibrators, dildos or other such masturbation devices does not cheat when it comes to either women.
[1] Alex Houston’s answer to What is cheating in a relationship? Are these scores cheating? 1. Misleading or ac
(47 Likes) They say inflation is still low, but why am I seeing so many price increases?
t today does not include food, energy or housing. And along the way they found something called “Hedonic Fixes”, so when they thought something was getting better, its “Cost” didn’t really go up… however they substituted the price of the hamburger in this way. the price of steak is when steak gets expensive – before food is taken out of the equation. The CPI was manipulated to control cost-of-living increases for social security recipients, but it quickly spread to employers and the wider economy. Just look at the purchasing power of your salaries today. You can earn 2-3 times what your father did, but you have less purchasing power than him. You can find several websites that calculate inflation as it was from 1913 to 1980 and see what the actual inflation rate was. If you do, be prepared to be called a conspiracy freak. If the CPI had not been “adjusted” so many times, social security recipients would